Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Easy Ways To An Effective Fat Loss Cure Program

Trust me, I know a lot of older folks who are desperate for a change than a wet baby. They are people trying to eliminate their excess body fat. They want the readings on the weight scale to change but the needle is not going in the direction they desperately want. Their best efforts at cutting their body fat are not bringing about the desired change.

So what is the way out?

Here are the 5 strategies for an effective fat loss program

1.Let it be intentional

More often than not, our weight loss decisions are not intentional. Most of our decisions to cut our body fat is usually on impulse-probably we are trying to react to some insensitive comment by someone about our ugly body weight.

It could also be your new nice dress is not fitting you well on the hips like before and your belly fat is protruding or you see someone looking dainty in a very nice dress and you know you can never fit into that dress- so you decide on the spot to do something about your excess fat.

Impulsive decisions like that don’t work and it is not the best way to lose your excess fat.

2. Let it be specific

For an effective weight loss program, you must specify how many kilos of ft you want to lose. Don’t make vague statements like- “I want to lose weight”

Say something like “ I want to lose 20 kilos In a month”. The 31 day weight loss cure program is an online fat loss coaching program that gives you specific result with a time line- Read the 31 day fat [http://the31dayfatlosscurereviewx.blogspot.com] lose cure review article here.

3. Have an action plan

Start exercising, reduce your calorie intake and cut out carbonated drinks. Reduce or totally do away with alcohol all together and eliminate red meat from your diet.

You will also find a comprehensive diet plan in the 31 day fats loss cure program. Check it out yourself.

4.Be a record Keeper

Keep track of your progress by recording your activities. Keep a food diary- again you will get this with the 31 day fat [http://the31dayfatlosscurereviewx.blogspot.com/] loss cure online program. It has a diet plan for an entire month. It's worth checking out!

Keep a tab on the fat loss. This is not the time to hate the scale. You must monitor your progress. It will motivate you to keep at it as you see the scale on a downward spin.

5. Be Committed.

The key to success in your fat loss program is bridging the gap between what you want to do and what you are actually doing. Do not give in to temptations you are faced with when you have to attend business lunch o parties. Endeavor to make the rights choices.